
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Teaching Opportunity

Dr. Calvin and Judy Warpula and Dr. Hilton and Avanel Merritt 
all of University Church of Christ -Tx, taught seminars at 
Ngcs' extension center at Winyo in South Nyanza 
and at the main campus during this last summer. 
If you are a teacher and are planning a trip to Kenya 
for mission or tour, we will be glad to have you teach a course/seminar 
at our extension centers and even at the main campus. 
That will be a great way to support our leadership training program.

Nairobi Great Commission School's Library

 Regular students, know that upon graduating from the main campus 
they will be called upon to teach at the 18 extension centers, 
spare not minute for idle talk. 
They are keen in maximizing the use of the library. 
They read, research and develop notes 
to address the needs of their people back in the countryside.
A student browsing through this vast forest of books, 
neatly catalogued for easier access.

Section of NGCS Staff

Mr. David Tonui, Principal

 Mr. Tom Opondo, Registrar

Mr. Charles Ngoje, Extension Program Director

  Mrs. Zipporah Nzisa Mutau, Accountant

Mrs. Juliana Osir, Librarian

 Mrs. Rose Chirchir, Secretary

Extension Committee Meeting in session. It is always a wonderful moment to hear reports from the centers. They are reports on conversions, church planting, courses done, projected mission events, spiritual breakthoughs, challenges and many other issues of interest. We pray together, laigh together, cry together and encourage each other. We hold such meetings twice a year. Extensions centers is where the strength of Nairobi Great Commission School lies.

Nairobi Great Commission School Share out books with Extension School Coordinators

Extension coordinators, all of whom are graduates of Nairobi Great Commission School, 
select books for their centers. NGCS' Librarian, Mrs Julian Osir,
ensures that she doesn't keep too many copies of the same book in Nairobi. 
She gives them out to the satellite schools. 
These schools serve as resource centers for church leaders 
living in the rural parts of Kenya and East Africa.
The Committee of Extension Program

Saturday, November 20, 2010


The extension Program of Nairobi Great Commission School has grown tremendously and it is continuing to grow. To keep information flowing with effeciency amidst this kind of growth, a blogspot became indispensable. We have to exchange news from our 18 centers throughout East Africa. Courses and activities at the extension centers will be highlighted. Also we will highlight what the alumni of this great school are doing after graduating. I welcome you all to this interractive blogspot.

Charles Ngoje
Program Director